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Andreev Dmitry Gavrilovich born in 1921. 101 TBD 31A LOOKING

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Зарегистрирован: 01.08.2018
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СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Авг 1 8:48:00 2018    Заголовок сообщения: Andreev Dmitry Gavrilovich born in 1921. 101 TBD 31A LOOKING Ответить с цитатой


We very much ask for help in finding the missing person in 1942 in the Tver (Kalinin) region of great-grandfather, Andreev Dmitry Gavrilovich.

They searched the information with the help of VKontakte "SEARCH FOR MISSING ANIMATION IN A GREAT TOTAL WAR".

They asked for this information:
We are looking for a missing relative
Andreev Dmitry Gavrilovich born in 1921.
Born: Pskov region, Strugo-Krasnensky district, Pahony village
04/15/1941 Admitted to the army Strugo-Krasnensky RVK, Pskov region.

Have received such answer:
Vera Guima
Vadim, Andreev Dmitry Gavrilovich on the basis of the OBD-memorial is as follows: ANDREYEV D.G. Born in 1921. Native: Leningrad (now Pskov) region, Strugokrasnensky district, Pakhonya village (Pahona). Title: Junior sergeant. Position: commander of 37 mm guns (I assume that this means "charging in a tank"). V / h: 432 tank battalion 101 of the tank brigade. Father Andreev Gabriel Andreevich lived at the birthplace of his son.
The military fate: the call Stugokrasnim RVK April 15, 1941
The first place of service: the city of Kamenets-Podolsky, PO Box 204 (Khmelnytsky region of Ukraine). Most likely he managed to send a letter home to his father before the war. And then there were no letters for two reasons: he had no time (retreating ...), and at the same time the Pskov region was already under the Germans ... What is hidden behind this mailing address is to find out in the Archive of the RGVA: Ros. The state. Military Archive: address: 125212, Moscow, st. Admiral Makarov, 29. That is, you need to make a request for pre-war service.
He was missing on August 31, 1942, under the village. Vekshino Zubtsovsky district of Tver (during the war Kalinin) region. during the Rzhev-Sychevskaya (first) operation of the Western Front. There is a lot of information on this operation on the Internet.
It is unlikely that he was captured.
Still here in contact there is a search engine Dmitry Aleksandrovich the Beetle. He is the commander of the search squad who works in those places. I think about the battles of the tank brigades, he can tell a lot.

Information from the site of the OBD-Memorial has already been received.

We are asking for help in establishing the fate of our great-grandfather, who fought in the Great Patriotic War !!!

Thanks in advance!!!
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